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Visit To The Sacred City

The Ancient City : Anuradhapura Anuradhapura was the capital of ancient Sri Lanka for a thousand years before and after Christ - in effect from Old Testament Nebuchadnezzar to the Normans and William the Conqueror, losing ground to the empire building Chola rulers of the 10th and 11th centuries.
Its dagobas (shrines), which when built, were only shorter than the great pyramids of Giza. Excavations have yielded copper kilns from 900 BC, Brahmi inscriptions, and pot burials from centuries before that.

Its Port Mantai, drew Arab and Chinese traders exchanging silk, ceramic, spices, and other trade goods.
Anuradhapura itself was the centre of a fertile "rice bowl", supported by a vast network of reservoirs and irrigation canals which are engineering marvels themselves. With this wealth, successive kings built the massive brick and granite monuments, many lost to invaders and invading jungle: what remain today are mostly religious monuments, inspired by the philosophy of Buddhism.